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2015-01-05 16:00:40 -0500 answered a question How do I find an available bus number?

If the intent is to just print out the available bus numbers in a text report, then you can use built in psspy.busn.

Use this API to tabulate unused bus numbers within a specified bus number range (activity BUSN).
Batch command syntax:


Python syntax:
ierr = busn(buslo, bushi)

Fortran syntax:

Integer BUSLO Is the low limit of bus number range (input; 1 by default).
Integer BUSHI Is the high limit of bus number range (input; 999,997 by default).
Integer IERR Is the error code (output).
IERR = 0 no error occurred.
IERR = 1 invalid starting bus number.
IERR = 2 starting bus number is greater than ending bus number.
IERR = 3 prerequisite requirements for API are not met.
2015-01-05 13:50:08 -0500 answered a question checking for voltage violations in ACCC

The quickest way is probably to use the existing tools and modify the .MON file. It's sometimes helpful to use Excel to help you write long .MON files. For example, you could copy and paste your Bus Network Data into a blank Excel worksheet and then enter the following formula in cell Q2

="MONITOR VOLTAGE RANGE BUS " & A2 & " " & N2 & " " & M2 & "/* " & B2

I'm assuming that A2 contains Bus Number, N2 contains Normal Vmin (PU), M2 contains Normal Vmax (pu) and B2 contains Bus Name. Drag this formula for all buses and filter for the buses you are interested in. Copy and Paste column Q into notepad and save as a .MON file. I have different .MON files for "Lock Taps" "Lock all" switched shunts solutions vs "Stepping Tap" sand "Enable all" switched shunt solutions. Run your ACCC and then open it using the "Export results to Excel" utility. Violations will be shown in the "Bus Voltage" tab.

Alternatively, you could prepare a list containing bus numbers, NVLMHI’ and 'NVLMLO’ with with psspy.busdat. Then prepare another list containing bus numbers and voltages from your ACCC analysis using pssarrays.accc_summary. Loop through both lists and and make comparisons to identify violations. That would probably be funner.

2015-01-05 11:53:43 -0500 answered a question how do PSSE calculate VAR without specific command

Based on your question, I assume you have an IEEET1 exciter model and you'd like to monitor KE. My assumption is that the exciter is for a generator on bus 30 and has an ID of "1" though this is not clear from your question.

generatorBusNumber = 30
generatorID = "1"
VAR = psspy.mdlind(generatorBusNumber, generatorID, "EXC", "VAR")[1]
psspy.var_channel([_i,VAR + 0],"Bus30_KE")

Hope that helps.