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asked Apr 19 '3

Erandika gravatar image

Initial Conditions Suspects

Hi everyone,

I'm performing a dynamic simulation for a large power system, and I got initial condition suspects for CMLDBLU2 models. Could someone help me understand how to resolve it, thanks.

     I      DSTATE(I)       STATE(I)        MODEL      STATE     BUS#-SCT X-- NAME --X BASKV  ID
  71628     0.97520E-02     0.73156         GGOV1       K+2     1           GEN 1       18.000  1
  78978     -0.10885        2.2293          PIDGOV      K+6     2     GEN 7G6     7.2000  6
  79078     0.13712         0.89890         HYG3U1      K+6     3     GEN 13G4    13.200  4
   96758    0.72085E-04     -0.15771E-02    CMLDBLU2    K+7     4     CHQ-230     230.00  2
  96764     0.10331E-03     -0.15771E-02    CMLDBLU2    K+13    4     CHQ-230     230.00  2
 140223     0.45542E-04     -0.41939E-02    CMLDBLU2    K+2     6     LOAD 2      115.00  N
 140545     0.55042E-04     -0.33355E-02    CMLDBLU2    K       7     LOAD 2      115.00  1
 142059     0.46939E-04     -0.36872E-02    CMLDBLU2    K+2     10    LOAD 5      115.00  N1
 142464     0.46660E-04     -0.45174E-02    CMLDBLU2    K+2     11    LOAD 6      115.00  1
 143623     0.51479E-04      0.10855E-02    CMLDBLU2    K       12    LOAD 7      115.00  1