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asked Mar 15 '3

Shawn gravatar image

Is it possible to retrieve machine electrical output (PELEC) during dynamic simulation without using channels?

I have tried using agenbusreal and amachreal APIs to get the machine outputs for each time steps but it is not working. I was wondering if there is an easy approach to get the machines data without assigning channel to each individual machine. My code is as follows:

while t <= 30:, t, 0, 24, 0)
    ierr, rarray = psspy.agenbusreal(0, 4, 'PGEN')
    #ierr, rarray = psspy.amachreal(0, 4, 'PGEN')
    df_mach[i] = rarray[0]
    # pgen_array.append(rarray[0])
    i += 1
    t += 0.1