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Change generator output during dynamic simulation


Is there any method to change the generator power output during a dynamic simulation?

For ex: Poutinitial = 600 MW, Poutafter disturbance = 400 MW

I tried CHANGE_GREF function and INCREMENT_GREF functions. But I do not see any change happened for the power output in the plots.

Change generator output during dynamic simulation


Is there any method to change the generator power output during a dynamic simulation?

For ex: Poutinitial = 600 MW, Poutafter disturbance = 400 MW

I tried CHANGE_GREF function and INCREMENT_GREF functions. But I do not see any change happened for the power output in the plots.

Change generator output during dynamic simulation


Is there any method to change the generator power output during a dynamic simulation?

For ex: PoutPout initial = 600 MW, PoutPout after disturbance = 400 MW

I tried CHANGE_GREF function and INCREMENT_GREF functions. But I do not see any change happened for the power output in the plots.

Change generator output during dynamic simulation


Is there any method to change the generator power output during a dynamic simulation?

For ex: Pout initial = 600 MW, Pout after disturbance = 400 MW

I tried CHANGE_GREF function and INCREMENT_GREF functions. But I do not see any change happened for the power output in the plots.