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How to retrieve data loads (PmW and QMvar) from PSS/E using Python?

I try to retrieve data from PSS/E using python, I already retrieve same data using this code below but i can't find à fonction that can retrieve Pload in API of PSS/E.

ierr, (owner,) = psspy.aloadint(0, 3, 'OWNER') ierr, (NumBus,) = psspy.aloadint(0, 3, 'NUMBER') ierr, (NumZone,) = psspy.aloadint(0, 3, 'ZONE') ierr, (ScalableFlag,) = psspy.aloadint(0, 3, 'SCALE') ieer, (BusName,) = psspy.aloadchar(0, 3, 'NAME')