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asked Mar 30 '2

angelonso gravatar image

SEXS out of limits and initial conditions suspect

Hello and thank you for taking the time for reading. I have a problem with my PSSE dynamic model. The problem PSSE reports is a huge limits violation for the SEXS exiter model.

Model SEXS Bus 206 [GEQ_SS REYES220.00] Machine "2 " :
 Initial EFD=   4.915     Initialized out of limit EMAX=   4.000

 Model SEXS Bus 11 [PORTUGAL    400.00] Machine "1 " :
 Initial EFD=   5.617     Initialized out of limit EMAX=   4.000

 Model SEXS Bus 101 [EUR_CENTRAL 400.00] Machine "1 " :
 Initial EFD=  0.1146E+05 Initialized out of limit EMAX=   4.000

The generator at bus 101 is an equivalent of a huge area, maybe that is the problem. Its values are 480000 Mbase, 600000 Pmax and Qmax and then Emax is 4. I dont know how to adequate the dynamic data to the generator, It would be of much help if someone could indicate what should I do in order to correct this problem :).

The initial condition suspects I get are the following:

      I   DSTATE(I)    STATE(I)     MODEL             STATE     BUS#-SCT X-- NAME --X BASKV  ID
     62  -0.18309       1.5010      GENSAL             K         206     GEQ_SS REYES220.00  2
    101  -0.35923       1.9521      GENROU             K          11     PORTUGAL    400.00  1
    107   -2544.8       57.973      GENROU             K         101     EUR_CENTRAL 400.00  1
    108   0.11625E-02 -0.69986E-02  GENROU             K+1       101     EUR_CENTRAL 400.00  1
click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

SEXS out of limits and initial conditions suspect

Hello and thank you for taking the time for reading. I have a problem with my PSSE dynamic model. The problem PSSE reports is a huge limits violation for the SEXS exiter model.

Model SEXS Bus 206 [GEQ_SS REYES220.00] Machine "2 " :
 Initial EFD=   4.915     Initialized out of limit EMAX=   4.000

 Model SEXS Bus 11 [PORTUGAL    400.00] Machine "1 " :
 Initial EFD=   5.617     Initialized out of limit EMAX=   4.000

 Model SEXS Bus 101 [EUR_CENTRAL 400.00] Machine "1 " :
 Initial EFD=  0.1146E+05 Initialized out of limit EMAX=   4.000

The generator at bus 101 is an equivalent of a huge area, maybe that is the problem. Its values are 480000 Mbase, 600000 Pmax and Qmax and then Emax is 4. I dont know how to adequate the dynamic data to the generator, It would be of much help if someone could indicate what should I do in order to correct this problem :).

The initial condition suspects I get are the following:

      I   DSTATE(I)    STATE(I)     MODEL             STATE     BUS#-SCT X-- NAME --X BASKV  ID
     62  -0.18309       1.5010      GENSAL             K         206     GEQ_SS REYES220.00  2
    101  -0.35923       1.9521      GENROU             K          11     PORTUGAL    400.00  1
    107   -2544.8       57.973      GENROU             K         101     EUR_CENTRAL 400.00  1
    108   0.11625E-02 -0.69986E-02  GENROU             K+1       101     EUR_CENTRAL 400.00  1

Aditional power flow info:

Vsched:1,0000   PGen:442203,1000    Pmax:600000,0000    Pmin:-9999,0000 QGen:145038,5000    Qmax:600000,0000    Qmin:-9999,0000 Mbase:486340,00 Rsource:0,000000    Xsource:0,250000    RTran:0,00000   XTran:59,75000  Gentap:1,00000

Aditional dynamic info for GENROU:
