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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

asked Mar 1 '2

penny870718 gravatar image

PSSE Trip generator

Hello everyone: Now, I'm try to simulate a system with some fuel generators and one ESS. When I simulate N-G scenario with only two generators, the ESS and the other generator has abnormal response especially ESS. The ESS has about 1sec delay in this scenario. But it doesn't happen when the three generators are turned on. Please can someone tell me why? Is this a limitation of PSS/E software? Bye the way the generator models which I used are DEGOV1, GENSAE, AC7B. The ESS models which I used are REPCA, REECA, REGCA.

Sincerely, thanks.

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

PSSE Trip generator

Hello everyone: Now, I'm try to simulate a system with some fuel generators and one ESS. When I simulate N-G scenario with only two generators, the ESS and the other generator has abnormal response especially ESS. The ESS has about 1sec delay in this scenario. But it doesn't happen when the three generators are turned on. on and occur the same scenario. It make me quite confuse. Please can someone tell me why? Is this a limitation of PSS/E software? Bye the way the generator models which I used are DEGOV1, GENSAE, AC7B. The ESS models which I used are REPCA, REECA, REGCA.

Sincerely, thanks.

click to hide/show revision 3
No.3 Revision

PSSE Trip generator

Hello everyone: Now, I'm try to simulate a system with some fuel generators and one ESS. When I simulate N-G scenario with only two generators, the ESS and the other generator has abnormal response especially ESS. The ESS has about 1sec delay in this scenario. But it doesn't happen when the three generators are turned on and occur the same scenario. It make me quite confuse. Please can someone tell me why? Is this a limitation of PSS/E software? Bye By the way the generator models which I used are DEGOV1, GENSAE, AC7B. The ESS models which I used are REPCA, REECA, REGCA.REGCA. And I also tryed the savnw.raw, savnw.dyr, the example program in PSS/E software, the same situation will happen if only two generators are turned on.

Sincerely, thanks.

click to hide/show revision 4
No.4 Revision

PSSE Trip generator

Hello everyone: Now, I'm try to simulate a system with some fuel generators and one ESS. When I simulate N-G scenario with only two generators, the ESS and the other generator has abnormal response especially ESS. The ESS has about 1sec delay in this scenario. But it doesn't happen when the three generators are turned on and occur the same scenario. It make me quite confuse. Please can someone tell me why? Is this a limitation of PSS/E software? By the way the generator models which I used are DEGOV1, GENSAE, AC7B. The ESS models which I used are REPCA, REECA, REGCA. And

After observation, I also tryed found that the savnw.raw, savnw.dyr, energy storage system will not start real power until the example program in PSS/E software, inertia of the same situation will happen if only two generators are turned on.generator is used up. Is this correct?

Sincerely, thanks.