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asked May 1 '13

stylus277 gravatar image

Check hardware lock status?

We are looking for away to query PSSE or the Sentinal license manager to see if the computer has a PSSE license dongle plugged in or not.

We have multiple computers but not enough dongles for everyone to have one at the same time. We use Enfuzion to automate our PSSE runs. The trouble is if Enfuzion tries to use a workstation for PSSE runs it does not have a dongle plugged in it will fail the jobs and mark the compute node as "down".

I am looking for a method that will check the computers to see if they have a dongle plugged in. Ideally the script would run and check the computers by computername (Windows 7 pc's in active directory network) and report back to the user what computers currently do or don't have a dongle.

I have been using the Microsoft PSTools to manipulate some of the workstations remotely, PSExec will allow me to start and stop tasks as well as small file operations.