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asked Jan 27 '2

Satyaki Banik gravatar image

Plotting RoCoF using PSSPLT (version 35) and export results to excel using Python API

Hello, I have been using the following lines of code to generate the .out and excel files after a dynamic simulation:

psspy.set_chnfil_type(0) # generate .out file (0), not .outx (1)
# run dynamic simulation
*dynamic simuation here*

import dyntools
chnfobj.xlsout(channels=[],show= False)

Now when I open PSSPLT, select CHNF and select a .out file, there is an error that says Invalid file type <file_path> (RWFIL)

  1. Is there anything wrong in creating the .out files?
  2. Is there any way I could write a piece of code to plot rate of change of frequency (function #17: "time derivative") using PSSPLT and export it to an excel file? I saw the API documentation, but cannot figure it out.

Thank you.