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asked Dec 7 '1

Aryan Ritwajeet Jha gravatar image

How to model a Fourth Order Synchronous Generator in PSSE?

I couldn't find a specific generator model for modelling the fourth order synchronous generator in PSSE 34.0

which does not need Xd'', Xq'', Tdo'' and Tqo''.

and only needs Tdo', Tqo', Xd, Xd', Xq and Xq'.

I can find the second order classical model GENCLS, third order model GENTRA and sixth order models GENSAL, GENROU and GENTPJ1.

As per page 4 of this paper I should put Tdo'' = 0 and Tqo'' = 0 in a sixth order model in order to make it a fourth order one.

But these higher order models either explicitly have the requirement of putting Tdo'' > 0 and Tqo'' > 0 or in case of GENTPJ1 (which seems to allow Tdo'' >= 0 and Tqo'' >= 0) PSSE flags the values with an error, by showing the filled boxes as red if I try to specify them as zero.

Kindly help me model a fourth order generator in PSSE.

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

How to model a Fourth Order Synchronous Generator in PSSE?

I couldn't find a specific generator model for modelling the fourth order synchronous generator in PSSE 34.0

which does not need Xd'', Xq'', Tdo'' and Tqo''.

and only needs Tdo', Tqo', Xd, Xd', Xq and Xq'.

I can find the second order classical model GENCLS, third order model GENTRA and sixth order models GENSAL, GENROU and GENTPJ1.

As per page 4 of this paper I should put Tdo'' = 0 and Tqo'' = 0 in a sixth order model in order to make it a fourth order one.

But these higher order models either explicitly have the requirement of putting Tdo'' > 0 and Tqo'' > 0 or in case of GENTPJ1 (which seems to allow Tdo'' >= 0 and Tqo'' >= 0) PSSE flags the values with an error, by showing the filled boxes as red if I try to specify them as zero.

Kindly help me model a fourth order generator in PSSE.