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WECC SMIB model together with the REECC family of models

I want to run the model in this google drive "Unfortunately I could not put the link" the "BESSJconto", I already put the file in one folder, at first I have loaded the PSSE. When I have run the "" I have got this error : Messages for api PROGRESS_OUTPUT PSS(R)E not properly initialized (004783) Messages for api CASE PSS(R)E not properly initialized (004783) Dialogue input from file Conl.idv LOAD TO BE REPRESENTED AS: ACTIVE REACTIVE 0.00% 50.00% CONSTANT POWER 50.00% 0.00% CONSTANT CURRENT 50.00% 50.00% CONSTANT ADMITTANCE ENTER 1 IF O.K., 0 OTHERWISE: 1 / 1=ok Messages for api CONL PSS(R)E not properly initialized (004783) ENTER UP TO 20 AREA NUMBERS 0 / END of areas entry Messages for api CONL PSS(R)E not properly initialized (004783) ACTIVITY? : 1 / 1= REST OF LOADS INVALID ACTIVITY

Could someone help me how to solve this error? And If we want to get the output channel in the "" file, it needs only to add the "channelsBESS_RE" to the main file? Thank you so much

WECC SMIB model together with the REECC family of models

I want to run the model in this google drive "Unfortunately I could not put the link" the "BESSJconto", I already put the file in one folder, at first I have loaded the PSSE. When I have run the "" I have got this error :

Messages for api PROGRESS_OUTPUT PSS(R)E not properly initialized (004783) Messages for api CASE PSS(R)E not properly initialized (004783) Dialogue input from file Conl.idv LOAD TO BE REPRESENTED AS: ACTIVE REACTIVE 0.00% 50.00% CONSTANT POWER 50.00% 0.00% CONSTANT CURRENT 50.00% 50.00% CONSTANT ADMITTANCE ENTER 1 IF O.K., 0 OTHERWISE: 1 / 1=ok Messages for api CONL PSS(R)E not properly initialized (004783) ENTER UP TO 20 AREA NUMBERS 0 / END of areas entry Messages for api CONL PSS(R)E not properly initialized (004783) ACTIVITY? : 1 / 1= REST OF LOADS INVALID ACTIVITY

Could someone help me how to solve this error? And If we want to get the output channel in the "" file, it needs only to add the "channelsBESS_RE" to the main file? Thank you so much

WECC SMIB model together with the REECC family of models

I want to run the model in this google drive "Unfortunately I could not put the link" the "BESSJconto", I already put the file in one folder, at first I have loaded the PSSE. When I have run the "" I have got this error :

Messages for api PROGRESS_OUTPUT
           PSS(R)E not properly initialized   (004783)
            Messages for api CASE
            PSS(R)E not properly initialized   (004783)
            Dialogue input from file Conl.idv
             ACTIVE REACTIVE
              0.00%   50.00% CONSTANT POWER
             50.00%    0.00% CONSTANT CURRENT
             50.00%   50.00% CONSTANT ADMITTANCE
            ENTER 1 IF O.K., 0 OTHERWISE:  1              / 1=ok
            Messages for api CONL
            PSS(R)E not properly initialized   (004783)
             ENTER UP TO 20 AREA NUMBERS
             0              / END of areas entry
             Messages for api CONL
            PSS(R)E not properly initialized   (004783)
    ACTIVITY? :  1              / 1= REST OF LOADS


Could someone help me how to solve this error? And If we want to get the output channel in the "" file, it needs only to add the "channelsBESS_RE" to the main file? Thank you so much