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Detecting Loop Flows with Python Script

Has anyone put forward any effort to developing a python script to detect loop flows/circulating VARs in a large system? If not, how would you approach the problem?

For a simple case (parallel off-tap transformers connected to a single bus) it may not be that difficult, but can the algorithm be expanded to more general cases? I realize that the detection itself is not trivial and there are a number of papers on the subject. It would be cool to see what the community could come up with!

Sample papers:

"Circulating MW and MVAR in power systems" Link to abstract (behind paywall)

"Fast Algorithms for Detecting Circular VAR Flows in Large Power-Flow Models" Link - pdf

"On Detecting and Removing Undesired Reactive Loop Flows" Link - google

Detecting Loop Flows with Python Script

Has anyone put forward any effort to developing a python script to detect loop flows/circulating VARs in a large system? If not, how would you approach the problem?

For a simple case (parallel off-tap transformers connected to a single bus) it may not be that difficult, but can the algorithm be expanded to more general cases? I realize that the detection itself is not trivial and there are a number of papers on the subject.

It would be cool to see what the community could come up with!

Sample papers:

"Circulating MW and MVAR in power systems" Link to abstract (behind paywall)

"Fast Algorithms for Detecting Circular VAR Flows in Large Power-Flow Models" Link - pdf

"On Detecting and Removing Undesired Reactive Loop Flows" Link - google

Detecting Loop Flows with Python Script

Has anyone put forward any effort to developing a python script to detect loop flows/circulating VARs in a large system? If not, how would you approach the problem?

For a simple case (parallel off-tap transformers connected to a single bus) it may not be that difficult, but can the algorithm be expanded to more general cases? I realize that the detection itself is not trivial and there are a number of papers on the subject.

It would be cool to see what the community could come up with!

Sample papers:papers (might not be the best on the subject):

"Circulating MW and MVAR in power systems" Link to abstract (behind paywall)

"Fast Algorithms for Detecting Circular VAR Flows in Large Power-Flow Models" Link - pdf

"On Detecting and Removing Undesired Reactive Loop Flows" Link - google

Detecting Loop Flows with Python Script

Has anyone put forward any effort to towards developing a python script to detect loop flows/circulating VARs in a large system? If not, how would you approach the problem?

For a simple case (parallel off-tap transformers connected to a single bus) it may not be that difficult, but can the algorithm be expanded to more general cases? I realize that the detection itself is not trivial and there are a number of papers on the subject.

It would be cool to see what the community could come up with!

Sample papers (might not be the best on the subject):

"Circulating MW and MVAR in power systems" Link to abstract (behind paywall)

"Fast Algorithms for Detecting Circular VAR Flows in Large Power-Flow Models" Link - pdf

"On Detecting and Removing Undesired Reactive Loop Flows" Link - google