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asked Jul 19 '0

Wendy gravatar image

How to write an inverter model

I want to build an inverter model with three-level bridge. But I couldn't find IGBT or others.
I read model REGCA1 in MODEL.pdf, but I feel it helpless.
Could the inverter-bridge structure be implemented in PSSE? And how to control it. If not, how to bulid the model? Thanks.

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

How to write an inverter model

I want to build an inverter model with three-level bridge. bridge and use SVPWM to control it. But I couldn't find IGBT or others.
I read model REGCA1 in MODEL.pdf, but I feel it helpless.
Could the inverter-bridge structure be implemented in PSSE? And how to control it. If not, how to bulid the model? Thanks.

click to hide/show revision 3
No.3 Revision

How to write an inverter model

I want to build an inverter model with three-level bridge and use SVPWM to control it. But I couldn't find IGBT or others.
I read model REGCA1 in MODEL.pdf, but I feel it helpless.
Could the inverter-bridge structure be implemented in PSSE? And how to control it. If not, how to bulid the model? Thanks.