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Use PSSPY with Multiple PSS/E Versions on Same Machine


This is related to Thread 327, but I did not want to thread-jack.

I have been developing PSSPY scripts for my department and we run a mix of PSS/E v32 and v33, or a combination of the two. I have found that you must run PSSPY from the most recently installed version of PSS/E on your computer or you get an "unexepted version" error. I understand that Python 2.5 must be run for v32 and Python 2.7 for v33, that we can keep straight. But especially for my development it would be really useful to test my scripts for 2.5/v32 and 2.7/v33 on the same machine. Has anyone found a solution for this? Thank you.

Use PSSPY with Multiple PSS/E Versions on Same Machine


This is related to Thread 327, but I did not want to thread-jack.

I have been developing PSSPY scripts for my department and we run a mix of PSS/E v32 and v33, or a combination of the two. I have found that you must run PSSPY from the most recently installed version of PSS/E on your computer or you get an "unexepted version" error. I understand that Python 2.5 must be run for v32 and Python 2.7 for v33, that we can keep straight. But especially for For my development it would be really useful to test my scripts for 2.5/v32 and 2.7/v33 on the same machine. Has anyone found a solution for this? Thank you.