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This function is inspired by the subsystem_info function.
It bascially allows you get the element counts in the SAV programmatically easier. There is a feature in the GUI allows you to do very similar thing. I wrote this as an exercise.
def intGetCount(str_type, int_sid, int_flag, **kwarg):
This function returns the element counts in a PSSE SAV file.
This function uses the "getattr()" from Python to group the counting
functions in "psspy". Consult PSSE documentation for how to set
the subsystem ID and flag for each type of elements.
str_type : str
Type of the target element. This is also used to get the right
function in "pssspy".
Here are some examples, consult PSSE documentation for all elements.
* "bus" -- buses
* "genbus" -- plant/generator buses
* "mach" -- machines/generators
* "loadbus" -- load buses
* "load" -- loads
* "fxshntbus" -- fixed shunt buses
* "fxshunt" -- fixed shunts
* "brn" -- branches
* "trn" -- 2-winding transformers
* "tr3" -- 3-winding transformers
* "wnd" -- 3-winding transformer windings
* "area" -- areas
int_sid : int
Bus subsystem ID.
int_flag : int
A flag indicating what subsystem buses to include.
kwarg: named arguments accepted by the actual count functions
This is to allow calling functions with more than just the sid
and flag arguments, e.g., "awndcount()".
You must used named arguments for these. Check the PSSE
APIs for the named arguments.
int_count : int
The count of the given element.
If the given element string results in None to be found in "psspy".
# force throwing exception
psspy.throwPsseExceptions = True
str_type = str_type.lower()
str_type = 'a%scount' % (str_type)
func = getattr(psspy, str_type, None)
if not func:
raise ValueError("Module '%s' has no attribute '%s'" % ('psspy', str_type))
# ignore the error since already forced throwing exceptions
_, int_count = func(sid=int_sid, flag=int_flag, **kwarg)
return int_count
Example usage (after the usual init and case, of course):
int_bus_count = intGetCount('bus', -1, 2)
print('Bus Count = %d' % int_bus_count)
int_3w_trf_wcount = intGetCount('wnd', int_sid=-1, int_flag=3, owner=1, ties=3)
print('3-winding transformer windings = %d' % int_3w_trf_wcount)
Feedbacks are welcome.