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asked Sep 3 '19

LLL gravatar image

How to get the power generation D-curves(reactive capability curves)?

I already build the SMIB to the power generation. My generator is connected to the step up transformer and then connect to the SMIB. I already set the Sbase, Pmax, Pmin, Qmax, Qmin. By changing Pgen, I can get different Q gen value. However, the result is not good enough, because

  1. when I already set the Pgen to Pmax, there is still some Qgen which is positive (Pmax = Sbase). For my understand, when Pgen = Pmax = Sbase, it means the generator can't produce any reactive power.

  2. I can't only get the half D-curves. I try to change the power factor, but I can't find how to change it.

Is it possible to get the full D-curves from GUI? Thank you very much.