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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

asked Aug 14 '19

Tom gravatar image

Dynamic Simulation for Energization of Generation Transformer?

Hi Everyone,

I want to do dynamic simulation on the energization of generation transformer to investigate the effect of energization on system voltage.

  1. Could PSSE be used to do such dynamic simulation?
  2. The model data(short circuit) for a transformer used is shown in the following , I don’t know if the model could be used for dynamic simulation.

  3. If not, could other elements (e.g. shunt reactor) be used to substitute the simulation of generation transformer?

  4. How to determine the parameters of the substitute element for simulating the energization of generator transformer?

Thank you so much!

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

Dynamic Simulation for Energization of Generation Transformer?

Hi Everyone,

I want to do dynamic simulation on the energization of generation transformer to investigate the effect of energization on system voltage.

  1. Could PSSE be used to do such dynamic simulation?
  2. The model data(short circuit) data for a transformer used is shown in the following , I don’t know if the model could be used for dynamic simulation.

From Bus Number From Bus Name To Bus Number To Bus Name Id Name Term Node Num (From) Term Node Name (From) Term Node Num (To) Term Node Name (To) In Service Metered Winding 1 Side Controlled Bus Controlled Bus Side Tap Positions Control Mode Auto Adjust Winding I/O Code Impedance I/O Code Admittance I/O Code Specified R (pu or watts) Specified X (pu) RATE1 (MVA) RATE2 (MVA) RATE3 (MVA) Magnetizing G (pu or watts) Magnetizing B (pu) Owner 1 Fraction 1 Owner 2 Fraction 2 Owner 3 Fraction 3 Owner 4 Fraction 4 Winding MVA Base Wnd 1 Ratio (pu or kV) Wnd 1 Nominal kV Wnd 1 Angle (degrees) Wnd 2 Ratio (pu or kV) Wnd 2 Nominal kV Rmax (pu, kV, deg) Rmin (pu, kV, deg) Vmax (pu, Mvar, MW) Vmin (pu, Mvar, MW) Wnd Connect Angle (deg) Load Drop Comp R (pu) Load Drop Comp X (pu) Impedance table R (table corrected pu or watts) X (table corrected pu) Vector Group Edit Vector Group Connection Code Edit Connection Code Leakage impedance I/O code Grounding impedance I/O code RG1 XG1 R01 (pu) X01 (pu) RG2 XG2 R02 (pu) X02 (pu) RNutrl XNutrl RATE4 (MVA) RATE5 (MVA) RATE6 (MVA) RATE7 (MVA) RATE8 (MVA) RATE9 (MVA) RATE10 (MVA) RATE11 (MVA) RATE12 (MVA) 100 BUSNO1 101 BUSNO2 1 0 0 0 72 0 1944 Voltage 1 Turns ratio (pu on bus base kV) Zpu (system base) Y pu (system base) 0.00043 0.04803 517 0 0 0.00713 -0.00348 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 100 0.9866 0 0 1 0 1.125 0.925 1.0135 0.9925 0 0 0 0 0.00043 0.04803 2 - No series path, ground winding 1 Z pu (system base) Z pu (system base) 0 0 0.00043 0.04803 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

  1. If not, could other elements (e.g. shunt reactor) be used to substitute the simulation of generation transformer?

  2. How to determine the parameters of the substitute element for simulating the energization of generator transformer?

Thank you so much!

click to hide/show revision 3
No.3 Revision

Dynamic Simulation for Energization of Generation Transformer?

Hi Everyone,

I want to do dynamic simulation on the energization of generation transformer to investigate the effect of energization on system voltage.

  1. Could PSSE be used to do such dynamic simulation?
  2. The model data for a transformer used is shown in the following , I don’t know if the model could be used for dynamic simulation.

From Bus Number From Bus Name To Bus Number To Bus Name Id Name Term Node Num (From) Term Node Name (From) Term Node Num (To) Term Node Name (To) In Service Metered Winding 1 Side Controlled Bus Controlled Bus Side Tap Positions Control Mode Auto Adjust Winding I/O Code Impedance I/O Code Admittance I/O Code Specified R (pu or watts) Specified X (pu) RATE1 (MVA) RATE2 (MVA) RATE3 (MVA) Magnetizing G (pu or watts) Magnetizing B (pu) Owner 1 Fraction 1 Owner 2 Fraction 2 Owner 3 Fraction 3 Owner 4 Fraction 4 Winding MVA Base Wnd 1 Ratio (pu or kV) Wnd 1 Nominal kV Wnd 1 Angle (degrees) Wnd 2 Ratio (pu or kV) Wnd 2 Nominal kV Rmax (pu, kV, deg) Rmin (pu, kV, deg) Vmax (pu, Mvar, MW) Vmin (pu, Mvar, MW) Wnd Connect Angle (deg) Load Drop Comp R (pu) Load Drop Comp X (pu) Impedance table R (table corrected pu or watts) X (table corrected pu) Vector Group Edit Vector Group Connection Code Edit Connection Code Leakage impedance I/O code Grounding impedance I/O code RG1 XG1 R01 (pu) X01 (pu) RG2 XG2 R02 (pu) X02 (pu) RNutrl XNutrl RATE4 (MVA) RATE5 (MVA) RATE6 (MVA) RATE7 (MVA) RATE8 (MVA) RATE9 (MVA) RATE10 (MVA) RATE11 (MVA) RATE12 (MVA) 100 BUSNO1 101 BUSNO2 1 0 0 0 72 100 0 1944 Voltage 1 Turns ratio (pu on bus base kV) Zpu (system base) Y pu (system base) 0.00043 0.04803 517 500 0 0 0.00713 -0.00348 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 100 0.9866 0 0 1 0 1.125 0.925 1.0135 0.9925 0 0 0 0 0.00043 0.04803 2 - No series path, ground winding 1 Z pu (system base) Z pu (system base) 0 0 0.00043 0.04803 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00

  1. If not, could other elements (e.g. shunt reactor) be used to substitute the simulation of generation transformer?
  2. How to determine the parameters of the substitute element for simulating the energization of generator transformer?

Thank you so much!

click to hide/show revision 4
No.4 Revision

Dynamic Simulation for Energization of Generation Transformer?

Hi Everyone,

I want to do dynamic simulation on the energization of generation transformer to investigate the effect of energization on system voltage.

  1. Could PSSE be used to do such dynamic simulation?
  2. The model data for a transformer used is shown in the following , I don’t know if the model could be used for dynamic simulation.

From Bus Number 100 From Bus Name BUSNO1 To Bus Number 101 To Bus Name BUSNO2 Id Name Term Node Num (From) Term Node Name (From) Term Node Num (To) Term Node Name (To) 1 In Service 0 Metered 0 Winding 1 Side 0 Controlled Bus 100 Controlled Bus Side 0 Tap Positions 1944 Control Mode Voltage Auto Adjust 1 Winding I/O Code Turns ratio (pu on bus base kV) Impedance I/O Code Zpu (system base) Admittance I/O Code Y pu (system base) Specified R (pu or watts) 0.00043 Specified X (pu) 0.04803 RATE1 (MVA) 500 RATE2 (MVA) 0 RATE3 (MVA) 0 Magnetizing G (pu or watts) 0.00713 Magnetizing B (pu) -0.00348 Owner 1 1 Fraction 1 1 Owner 2 0 Fraction 2 1 Owner 3 0 Fraction 3 1 Owner 4 0 Fraction 4 1 Winding MVA Base 100 Wnd 1 Ratio (pu or kV) 0.9866 Wnd 1 Nominal kV 0 Wnd 1 Angle (degrees) 0 Wnd 2 Ratio (pu or kV) 1 Wnd 2 Nominal kV 0 Rmax (pu, kV, deg) 1.125 Rmin (pu, kV, deg) 0.925 Vmax (pu, Mvar, MW) 1.0135 Vmin (pu, Mvar, MW) 0.9925 Wnd Connect Angle (deg) 0 Load Drop Comp R (pu) 0 Load Drop Comp X (pu) 0 Impedance table 0 R (table corrected pu or watts) 0.00043 X (table corrected pu) 0.04803 Vector Group
Edit Vector Group
Connection Code Edit Connection Code Leakage impedance I/O code Grounding impedance I/O code RG1 XG1 R01 (pu) X01 (pu) RG2 XG2 R02 (pu) X02 (pu) RNutrl XNutrl RATE4 (MVA) RATE5 (MVA) RATE6 (MVA) RATE7 (MVA) RATE8 (MVA) RATE9 (MVA) RATE10 (MVA) RATE11 (MVA) RATE12 (MVA) 100 BUSNO1 101 BUSNO2 1 0 0 0 100 0 1944 Voltage 1 Turns ratio (pu on bus base kV) Zpu (system base) Y pu (system base) 0.00043 0.04803 500 0 0 0.00713 -0.00348 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 100 0.9866 0 0 1 0 1.125 0.925 1.0135 0.9925 0 0 0 0 0.00043 0.04803 2 - No series path, ground winding 1 1 Edit Connection Code
Leakage impedance I/O code
Z pu (system base) base) Grounding impedance I/O code Z pu (system base) 0 0 0.00043 0.04803 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 base) RG1 0 XG1 0 R01 (pu) 0.00043 X01 (pu) 0.04803 RG2 0 XG2 0 R02 (pu) 0 X02 (pu) 0 RNutrl 0 XNutrl 0 RATE4 (MVA) 0 RATE5 (MVA) 0 RATE6 (MVA) 0 RATE7 (MVA) 0 RATE8 (MVA) 0 RATE9 (MVA) 0 RATE10 (MVA) 0 RATE11 (MVA) 0 RATE12 (MVA) 0

  1. If not, could other elements (e.g. shunt reactor) be used to substitute the simulation of generation transformer?
  2. How to determine the parameters of the substitute element for simulating the energization of generator transformer?

Thank you so much!

click to hide/show revision 5
No.5 Revision

Dynamic Simulation for Energization of Generation Transformer?

Hi Everyone,

I want to do dynamic simulation on the energization of generation transformer to investigate the effect of energization on system voltage.

  1. Could PSSE be used to do such dynamic simulation?
  2. The model data for a transformer used is shown in the following , I don’t know if the model could be used for dynamic simulation.

From Bus Number 100 From Bus Name BUSNO1 To Bus Number 101 To Bus Name BUSNO2 Id 1 In Service 0 Metered 0 Winding 1 Side 0 Controlled Bus 100 Controlled Bus Side 0 Tap Positions 1944 Control Mode Voltage Auto Adjust 1 Winding I/O Code Turns ratio (pu on bus base kV) Impedance I/O Code Zpu (system base) Admittance I/O Code Y pu (system base) Specified R (pu or watts) 0.00043 Specified X (pu) 0.04803 RATE1 (MVA) 500 RATE2 (MVA) 0 RATE3 (MVA) 0 Magnetizing G (pu or watts) 0.00713 Magnetizing B (pu) -0.00348 Owner 1 1 Fraction 1 1 Owner 2 0 Fraction 2 1 Owner 3 0 Fraction 3 1 Owner 4 0 Fraction 4 1 Winding MVA Base 100 Wnd 1 Ratio (pu or kV) 0.9866 Wnd 1 Nominal kV 0 Wnd 1 Angle (degrees) 0 Wnd 2 Ratio (pu or kV) 1 Wnd 2 Nominal kV 0 Rmax (pu, kV, deg) 1.125 Rmin (pu, kV, deg) 0.925 Vmax (pu, Mvar, MW) 1.0135 Vmin (pu, Mvar, MW) 0.9925 Wnd Connect Angle (deg) 0 Load Drop Comp R (pu) 0 Load Drop Comp X (pu) 0 Impedance table 0 R (table corrected pu or watts) 0.00043 X (table corrected pu) 0.04803 Vector Group
Edit Vector Group
Connection Code 2 - No series path, ground winding 1 Edit Connection Code
Leakage impedance I/O code Z pu (system base) Grounding impedance I/O code Z pu (system base) RG1 0 XG1 0 R01 (pu) 0.00043 X01 (pu) 0.04803 RG2 0 XG2 0 R02 (pu) 0 X02 (pu) 0 RNutrl 0 XNutrl 0 RATE4 (MVA) 0 RATE5 (MVA) 0 RATE6 (MVA) 0 RATE7 (MVA) 0 RATE8 (MVA) 0 RATE9 (MVA) 0 RATE10 (MVA) 0 RATE11 (MVA) 0 RATE12 (MVA) 0

  1. If not, could other elements (e.g. shunt reactor) be used to substitute the simulation of generation transformer?
  2. How to determine the parameters of the substitute element for simulating the energization of generator transformer?

Thank you so much!

click to hide/show revision 6
No.6 Revision

Dynamic Simulation for Energization of Generation Transformer?

Hi Everyone,

I want to do dynamic simulation on the energization of generation transformer to investigate the effect of energization on system voltage.

  1. Could PSSE be used to do such dynamic simulation?
  2. The model data for a transformer used is shown in the following , I don’t know if the model could be used for dynamic simulation.

From Bus Number 100 100

From Bus Name BUSNO1 To Bus Number 101 To Bus Name BUSNO2 Id 1 In Service 0 Metered 0 Winding 1 Side 0 Controlled Bus 100 Controlled Bus Side 0 Tap Positions 1944 Control Mode Voltage Auto Adjust 1 Winding I/O Code Turns ratio (pu on bus base kV) Impedance I/O Code Zpu (system base) Admittance I/O Code Y pu (system base) Specified R (pu or watts) 0.00043 Specified X (pu) 0.04803 RATE1 (MVA) 500 RATE2 (MVA) 0 RATE3 (MVA) 0 Magnetizing G (pu or watts) 0.00713 Magnetizing B (pu) -0.00348 Owner 1 1 Fraction 1 1 Owner 2 0 Fraction 2 1 Owner 3 0 Fraction 3 1 Owner 4 0 Fraction 4 1 Winding MVA Base 100 Wnd 1 Ratio (pu or kV) 0.9866 Wnd 1 Nominal kV 0 Wnd 1 Angle (degrees) 0 Wnd 2 Ratio (pu or kV) 1 Wnd 2 Nominal kV 0 Rmax (pu, kV, deg) 1.125 Rmin (pu, kV, deg) 0.925 Vmax (pu, Mvar, MW) 1.0135 Vmin (pu, Mvar, MW) 0.9925 Wnd Connect Angle (deg) 0 Load Drop Comp R (pu) 0 Load Drop Comp X (pu) 0 Impedance table 0 R (table corrected pu or watts) 0.00043 X (table corrected pu) 0.04803 Vector Group
Edit Vector Group
Connection Code 2 - No series path, ground winding 1 Edit Connection Code
Leakage impedance I/O code Z pu (system base) Grounding impedance I/O code Z pu (system base) RG1 0 XG1 0 R01 (pu) 0.00043 X01 (pu) 0.04803 RG2 0 XG2 0 R02 (pu) 0 X02 (pu) 0 RNutrl 0 XNutrl 0 RATE4 (MVA) 0 RATE5 (MVA) 0 RATE6 (MVA) 0 RATE7 (MVA) 0 RATE8 (MVA) 0 RATE9 (MVA) 0 RATE10 (MVA) 0 RATE11 (MVA) 0 RATE12 (MVA) 0

  1. If not, could other elements (e.g. shunt reactor) be used to substitute the simulation of generation transformer?
  2. How to determine the parameters of the substitute element for simulating the energization of generator transformer?

Thank you so much!

click to hide/show revision 7
No.7 Revision

Dynamic Simulation for Energization of Generation Transformer?

Hi Everyone,

I want to do dynamic simulation on the energization of generation transformer to investigate the effect of energization on system voltage.

  1. Could PSSE be used to do such dynamic simulation?
  2. The model data for a transformer used is shown in the following , I don’t know if the model could be used for dynamic simulation.

From Bus Number 100

From Bus Name BUSNO1 BUSNO1

To Bus Number 101 101


Id 1 In Service 0 0

Metered 0 0

Winding 1 Side 0 0

Controlled Bus 100 100

Controlled Bus Side 0 0

Tap Positions 1944 1944

Control Mode Voltage Voltage

Auto Adjust 1 1

Winding I/O Code Turns ratio (pu on bus base kV) kV)

Impedance I/O Code Zpu (system base) base)

Admittance I/O Code Y pu (system base) base)

Specified R (pu or watts) 0.00043 0.00043

Specified X (pu) 0.04803 0.04803

RATE1 (MVA) 500 500

RATE2 (MVA) 0 0

RATE3 (MVA) 0 0

Magnetizing G (pu or watts) 0.00713 0.00713

Magnetizing B (pu) -0.00348 Owner 1 1 Fraction 1 1 Owner 2 0 Fraction 2 1 Owner 3 0 Fraction 3 1 Owner 4 0 Fraction 4 1 -0.00348

Winding MVA Base 100 100

Wnd 1 Ratio (pu or kV) 0.9866 0.9866

Wnd 1 Nominal kV 0 0

Wnd 1 Angle (degrees) 0 0

Wnd 2 Ratio (pu or kV) 1 1

Wnd 2 Nominal kV 0 0

Rmax (pu, kV, deg) 1.125 1.125

Rmin (pu, kV, deg) 0.925 0.925

Vmax (pu, Mvar, MW) 1.0135 1.0135

Vmin (pu, Mvar, MW) 0.9925 0.9925

Wnd Connect Angle (deg) 0 0

Load Drop Comp R (pu) 0 0

Load Drop Comp X (pu) 0 0

Impedance table 0 0

R (table corrected pu or watts) 0.00043 0.00043

X (table corrected pu) 0.04803 0.04803

Vector Group

Edit Vector Group

Connection Code 2 - No series path, ground winding 1 1

Edit Connection Code

Leakage impedance I/O code Z pu (system base) base)

Grounding impedance I/O code Z pu (system base) base)

RG1 0 0

XG1 0 0

R01 (pu) 0.00043 0.00043

X01 (pu) 0.04803 0.04803

RG2 0 0

XG2 0 0

R02 (pu) 0 0

X02 (pu) 0 0

RNutrl 0 0

XNutrl 0 RATE4 (MVA) 0 RATE5 (MVA) 0 RATE6 (MVA) 0 RATE7 (MVA) 0 RATE8 (MVA) 0 RATE9 (MVA) 0 RATE10 (MVA) 0 RATE11 (MVA) 0 RATE12 (MVA) 0

  1. If not, could other elements (e.g. shunt reactor) be used to substitute the simulation of generation transformer?
  2. How to determine the parameters of the substitute element for simulating the energization of generator transformer?

Thank you so much!

click to hide/show revision 8
No.8 Revision

Dynamic Simulation for Energization of Generation Transformer?

Hi Everyone,

I want to do dynamic simulation on the energization of generation transformer to investigate the effect of energization on system voltage.

  1. Could PSSE be used to do such dynamic simulation?
  2. The model data for a transformer used is shown in the following , I don’t know if the model could be used for dynamic simulation.

From Bus Number 100

From Bus Name BUSNO1

To Bus Number 101

To Bus Name BUSNO2

Id 1 In Service 0

Metered 0

Winding 1 Side 0

Controlled Bus 100

Controlled Bus Side 0

Tap Positions 1944

Control Mode Voltage

Auto Adjust 1

Winding I/O Code Turns ratio (pu on bus base kV)

Impedance I/O Code Zpu (system base)

Admittance I/O Code Y pu (system base)

Specified R (pu or watts) 0.00043

Specified X (pu) 0.04803

RATE1 (MVA) 500



Magnetizing G (pu or watts) 0.00713

Magnetizing B (pu) -0.00348

Winding MVA Base 100

Wnd 1 Ratio (pu or kV) 0.9866

Wnd 1 Nominal kV 0

Wnd 1 Angle (degrees) 0

Wnd 2 Ratio (pu or kV) 1

Wnd 2 Nominal kV 0

Rmax (pu, kV, deg) 1.125

Rmin (pu, kV, deg) 0.925

Vmax (pu, Mvar, MW) 1.0135

Vmin (pu, Mvar, MW) 0.9925

Wnd Connect Angle (deg) 0

Load Drop Comp R (pu) 0

Load Drop Comp X (pu) 0

Impedance table 0

R (table corrected pu or watts) 0.00043

X (table corrected pu) 0.04803

Vector Group

Edit Vector Group

Connection Code 2 - No series path, ground winding 1

Edit Connection Code

Leakage impedance I/O code Z pu (system base)

Grounding impedance I/O code Z pu (system base)

RG1 0

XG1 0

R01 (pu) 0.00043

X01 (pu) 0.04803

RG2 0

XG2 0

R02 (pu) 0

X02 (pu) 0

RNutrl 0


  1. If not, could other elements (e.g. shunt reactor) be used to substitute the simulation of generation transformer?
  2. How to determine the parameters of the substitute element for simulating the energization of generator transformer?

Thank you so much!

click to hide/show revision 9
No.9 Revision

Dynamic Simulation for Energization of Generation Transformer?

Hi Everyone,

I want to do dynamic simulation on the energization of generation transformer to investigate the effect of energization on system voltage.

  1. Could PSSE be used to do such dynamic simulation?
  2. The model data for a transformer used is shown in the following , I don’t know if the model could be used for dynamic simulation.

  1. If not, could other elements (e.g. shunt reactor) be used to substitute the simulation of generation transformer?
  2. How to determine the parameters of the substitute element for simulating the energization of generator transformer?

Thank you so much!