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File .out does not have channel outputs (dyntools)

I'm working with this function to target buses and use the BASEKV voltage, as specified on the documentation.

def create_subsystem(self):
    subsys1_ierr = psspy.bsys(2, 1, [50, 210])
    ierr, buses = psspy.abuscount(2, 2)
    return buses

and then,

def generate_events_in(self, file):
    chnfobj = dyntools.CHNF("test.out")
    content = chnfobj.get_data()
    all_events = []
    # ...
    # ...

and everything works perfectly and as expected. The problem comes when changing the values of the array. If I were to change it from [50, 210] to [90, 210] dyntools will raise the following exception:

> File
> "C:\Users\TDRS\PycharmProjects\osmo\simulation\",
> line 81, in generate_csv_in
>     chnfobj = dyntools.CHNF("test.out")   File
> ".\", line 1023, in
> __init__   File ".\", line 351, in _outextract_data   File
> ".\", line 307, in
> _outextract_id Exception: ERROR ... File test.out doesn't have channel
> outputs.