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Hi friends,
I am trying to define a subsystem consisting of two areas, numbered in PSS/E as 19 and 20.
This is my code:
ierr = psspy.asys(4, 2, [19,20])
print ierr
where 4 is the desired subsystem number.
ierr comes out as 0, but the actual subsystem is EMPTY !!
I have used bsys before (which is more complicated), but haven't been able to make asys work,
Please, help !
Thanks a lot,
P.S. Have just found out this forum, very useful, thanks !
![]() | 2 | No.2 Revision |
Hi friends,
I am trying to define a subsystem consisting of two areas, numbered in PSS/E as 19 and 20.
This is my code:
ierr = psspy.asys(4, 2, [19,20])
print ierr
where 4 is the desired subsystem number.
ierr comes out as 0, but the actual subsystem is EMPTY !!
I have used bsys before (which is more complicated), but haven't been able to make asys work,
Please, help !
Thanks a lot,
P.S. Have just found out this forum, very useful, thanks !
![]() | 3 | No.3 Revision |
Hi friends,
I am trying to define a subsystem consisting of two areas, numbered in PSS/E as 19 and 20.
This is my code:
subsystem_number = 4 ## desired, could be anything between 0 and 11, right ?
areas = [19,20] ## these areas DO exist
numberofareastoset = len(areas)
ierr = psspy.asys(4, 2, [19,20])psspy.asys(subsystemnumber, numberofareasto_set, areas)
print ierr
where 4 is ierr, areas = psspy.aareacount(subsystem_number, _i)
print areas
print ierr
ierr, numbers = psspy.abusint(subsystem_number, _i,"NUMBER")
print numbers
On the desired subsystem number.
ierr screen, I get:
Please, does anyone know why my numbers array comes out as 0, but the actual subsystem is EMPTY !!
I have used bsys before (which is more complicated), but haven't been able to make asys work,
Please, help !empty ??!!
Thanks a lot,
P.S. Have just found out this forum, very useful, thanks !
Hi friends,
I am trying to define a subsystem consisting of two areas, numbered in PSS/E as 19 and 20.
This is my code:
subsystem_number = 4 ## desired, could be anything between 0 and 11, right ??
areas = [19,20] ## these areas DO exist
number_of_areas_to_set = len(areas)
numberofareastoset = len(areas)
ierr = psspy.asys(subsystemnumber, numberofareasto_set, areas)
psspy.asys(subsystem_number, number_of_areas_to_set, areas)
print ierr
print ierr
ierr, areas = psspy.aareacount(subsystem_number, _i)
print areas
print areas
print ierr
ierr, numbers = psspy.abusint(subsystem_number, _i,"NUMBER")
print numbers
On the screen, I get:
Please, does anyone know why my numbers array comes empty ??!!
Thanks a lot,
P.S. Have just found out this forum, very useful, thanks !
Hi friends,
I am trying to define a subsystem consisting of two areas, numbered in PSS/E as 19 and 20.
This is my code:
subsystem_number = 4 ## desired, could be anything between 0 and 11, right ?
areas = [19,20] ## these areas DO exist
number_of_areas_to_set = len(areas)
ierr = psspy.asys(subsystem_number, number_of_areas_to_set, areas)
print ierr
ierr, areas = psspy.aareacount(subsystem_number, _i)
print areas
print ierr
ierr, numbers = psspy.abusint(subsystem_number, _i,"NUMBER")
print numbers
On the screen, I get:
Please, does anyone know why my numbers array comes empty ??!!
Thanks a lot,
P.S. Have just found out this forum, very useful, thanks !