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asked Jan 23 '19

L0r3als gravatar image

Complex generation: get the Real par and Imagine part


I try to obtain the plant total power output from the Bus WF

CMPVAL2 =psspy.gendat(Bus_WF)
psspy.progress('  REAL_SCMPVAL  ' +str(CMPVAL2[1].real)+'\n')
psspy.progress('  IMA_SCMPVAL  ' +str(CMPVAL2[1].imag)+'\n')

I have the following error AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'real'

Also, I created a variable for keeping the REAL_MW = CMPVAL2[1].real but I received the same error.

I don´t know what is happening, Somebody can help me?

Thank you a lot!