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asked Nov 10 '17

sofiguer gravatar image

Plotting .out of PSSEv32 with python 2.5 code

Hi everybody,

I'm doing so quite lot of tests and simulations withs PSSE v32 and I'm using python 2.5 for that.

As I'm doing lot of testing and simulations with a python code and PSSE v32, everytime I finish a simulation I have to go to PSSPLT program and open de .out file to see and evaluate the results.

I would like be able to plot some channels automatically from python code, instead to use PSSPLT and I found that I have to use dyntools. But I don't know how to used properly, somebody can help me with that?.

Also I would like to know if matploit can be use with python 2.5 I think is another way to plot do it but as I read works only for recent versions of python and not with 2.5.

Thanks in advance.