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asked Apr 20 '17

anders6307 gravatar image

abusint returning ierr=1 (working case is empty)

I'm trying to setup a subsystem in order to get a list of buses from the case. However, with the code below, abusint returns ierr = 1 even though the case has valid buses and the values in the "areas" list are all valid areas. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for the help

ierr = psspy.psseinit(12000)
    subsystemnumber = 1
    ierr = psspy.bsysinit(1)
    psspy.bsysdef(1, 1)
    areas = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ,12]
    no_areas = len(areas)
    ierr = psspy.bsys(subsystemnumber, numarea=no_areas, areas=areas)
    print ierr
    buses = ()
    ierr, buses = psspy.abusint(subsystemnumber, 2, "NUMBER")
    print buses