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asked Dec 29 '16

eve gravatar image

How to choose the transfer dispatch method for pv analysis?

Hi all,

I'm just starting learning PSS/E. I'd like to have your suggestions for doing PV-analysis. Although I've viewed all the relevant posts in this forum I still have problems.

For drawing a pv-curve by hand, I can do it in this way; selecting the interested load bus then increasing/decreasing the Pload at the bus by keeping a constant power factor.

I don't know how to select the "transfer dispatch methods" in PSS/E since I don't need to select this when I do the pv analysis by hand. I don't know what are the differences between those transfer dispatch methods.

Thank you, Eve

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

How to choose the transfer dispatch method for pv analysis?

Hi all,

I'm just starting learning PSS/E. I'd like to have your suggestions for doing PV-analysis. Although I've viewed all the relevant posts in this forum I still have problems.

For drawing a pv-curve by hand, I can do it in this way; selecting the interested load bus then increasing/decreasing the Pload at the bus by keeping a constant power factor.

I don't know how to select the "transfer dispatch methods" in PSS/E since I don't need to select this when I do the pv analysis by hand. I don't know what are the differences between those transfer dispatch methods.

Thank you, Eveyou