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asked Jun 21 '16

engmoe gravatar image

Compiling user models w/psse 33

Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum and would like to contribute as well as I gain more experience. This is my first job in dynamics modeling. I'd like to know what do I need to install/do to compile user models in psse 33. And the steps if possible. I have dyr file in which I have some user models. THNAKS a lot.

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No.2 Revision

Compiling user models w/psse 33

Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum and would like to contribute as well as I gain more experience. This is my first job in dynamics modeling. I'd like to know what do I need to install/do to compile user models in psse 33. And the steps if possible. I have dyr file in which I have some user models. THNAKS questions regarding dynamics modeling. I have installed MyCompile33x86.bat & MyCload433x86.bat. The questions I have are the followings: 1. Do the compilation process create the conec.flx & conet.flx codes? 2. Do the SRC and OBJ libraries need to be there prior to the compilation which subsequently create .dll files?

Thanks a lot.