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asked Nov 14 '15

Lassettc gravatar image

Dynamics blowing up during flat start

I'm working with the RTS-96 case, and I've been adding dynamics to it in attempts to working with islanding portion 3 from 1 and 2. To get this working I've started with just the 3rd portion in which I'm adding only GENCLS with 0 damping and differing inertias. The portion has 33 buses and the .dyr file takes for form of: 301 'GENCLS' 1 2.8000 0.0000 / 301 'GENCLS' 2 2.8000 0.0000 /

for all 33 buses with inertias in the range of 2.800 to 5.000. As the simulation goes on for about 25 seconds, the solution starts to blow up with the voltages oscillating and growing in magnitude.
