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asked Aug 13 '14

ypwang gravatar image

Is there way to identify all radial lines through PSS\E+Python?

Hello everyone,

I wanted identify all radial lines before creating a list of N-1 branch contingencies. But it is kind of meaningless to create a radial-line contingency especially if that radial line is connected to some loaded bus. So I wonder if there are python modules that can help me do this automatically. So far, I haven't found any modules can do this for me. In a naive way, I can I can use some python module to read the .raw data for branch data's "from/to bus" information and filter those buses that only appear once in from- and to- list and the branch to which it connects should be those radial lines. I know in this way, we will miss some special radial lines that even is connected to two buses, but losing which still will result in an island.

Could anyone advise on this issue.

Really appreciate your kind help and time.
