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I cannot open my saved case file

I am using PSSEUniversity 33.4.0 and I write this code:

import os, sys

PSSEPATH = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSEUniversity33\PSSBIN' sys.path.append(PSSEPATH) os.environ['PATH'] += ';' + PSSE_PATH

import psspy

REDEPATH = r'C:\Users\Luis2\Documents\UNL\Semestre3\Tese' sys.path.append(REDEPATH) os.environ['PATH'] += ';' + REDE_PATH

CASE = r'rede.sav' psspy.psseinit()

and I allways get the "File not found. rede.sav (OpnApplFil/OPNPTI)" message. But the file is there, in the "C:\Users\Luis2\Documents\UNL\Semestre3\Tese" and this path is added to the sys. What am I doing wrong?