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asked Apr 11 '14

geoffry gravatar image

Checregistry and Dongle Error

I'm trying to follow a tutorial on youtube -

I've gotten up to the psspy.psseinit(10000) command and when I execute this command I get the following errors:

It says C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin\Pythonwin.exe could not be found in the registry. Please activate using ACTV<activation-string> Pythonwin.exe where <activation-string> is the string used for your product installation.

Then I get a Dongle Error that says: "Please make sure that hardware lock is in place. If this error persists please contact PTI.

Any ideas on how to fix this? I'm urnning PSSE33.3 and Python2.7. PSSE works fine by itself on my system.