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asked Feb 20 '14

J.Armstrong gravatar image

Accessing server based files via Win7 using ver 32

This is more of a 'Does anyone have ideas?' type of question because my IT support doesn't have an answer, and I am not sure where to go to get additional support.

I use PSS/e Ver. 32 on a Windows 7 64-bit machine using a hardware lock. I can File-> Open cases located on my local machine as well as files located on a network share.

PSS/e crashes, or Windows encounters a problem, when I attempt to access files on a 32-bit Win2003 Server. Each time I select the mapped drive for the server, the directories populate in the dialogue window, but PSS/e stops working a moment later and the program shuts down.

FYI: This happens when I install ver. 33 as well as when I access the server the long way (\unc)

My questions are:

Has anyone experienced this type of behaviour with PSS/e 32?

Does this sound like a Windows problem or a PSS/e problem? (My thought it is a Windows issue using PSS/e)

Should I call PTI and have them figure it out?

Thank you very much for any suggestions...