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Close PSS/E after finishing dynamic simulation

I attempt to run the dynamic simulation cyclically, which tripping the online generators one by one, and convert the result values of output file to csv files. Then, the aim is to find the frequency nadir in each simulation case, so I would read the csv files and record the nadir value. In the testing system file, there are only 10 generators in the system. However, in the formal case, the study power grid contains hundreds of generators.

In order not to let a large number of files occupy the disk space, I would like to remove the output files and csv files after recording the nadir values. But the code I finish programming current could only remove the csv files, the output files are still in the folder. I would like to ask that do anyone have any suggestion to deal with this problem "Removing the output files"?

I use python 2.7 and PSS/E v34.4.0, and implement the code in VSCode. Also since I could not paste the entire code on the forum, if anyone want to take a look, please feel free to contact me.

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