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Hi, am trying to use the python to output the result from psse output file to an excel file, I have already create a output file "SMIBBESSfault" which is used to read as the object to record data to excel (The channel I want to record is the frequenct and the active power, so I set the channel as 1,2,5,6 in the code).
The code I am using is as following:
import os,sys
import win32com.client
outfile = r"""SMIB_BESS_fault.out"""
psseversion = 34
if psseversion== 34 or psseversion== 33:
exec('import psse%s'%psseversion)
pssepath = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE%s\PSSBIN"%psseversion
if pssepath not in sys.path:
import psspy
import dyntools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
chnfobj = dyntools.CHNF(outfile)
short_title, chanid, chandata = chnfobj.get_data()
I am confused, because the error don't always occur, sometimes it just keep happened, sometimes it happens when running the code for a few times and without any change.
Whenever the error occur, the error message is always as following:
Exception has occurred: com_error
(-2147418111, '\xb1\xb5\xa6\xac\xaa\xcc\xa4w\xa9\xda\xb5\xb4\xb3o\xad\xd3\xa9I\xa5s\xa1C', None, None) File "C:\Users\POWER\Desktop\p\simp 3 change xsource\", line 42, in <module> chnfobj.xlsout(channels=[1,2,5,6],show=False)
Will the problem relate with the version of win32com module? Because after searching for a bit, the "com_error" seems relate with this module, but I still can't solve the problem.
Any suggestion will be much appreciate! Thanks!
Link for the outfile (google drive):