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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

asked Oct 28 '3

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model writing

I am writing a user-model for an online tap-changer of a two-winding transformer. My question is: How do you change the tap position from within the user-model? It seems that using the "TWOWINDINGCHNG_6" API (or similar) is an obvious choice. When using APIs in Python, you can use defaults and only specify the parameters that you want to change, but I don't know how to do that with the Fortran call statement. Can someone please advise me how to use this API in a Fortran call statement, while specifying only the parameters that need to change. Or is there an alternative way to change the tap position from within the user-model?

An answer to the above question will be greatly appreciated.


click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

model writing

I am writing a user-model for an online tap-changer of a two-winding transformer. My question is: How do you change the tap position from within the user-model? It seems that using the "TWOWINDINGCHNG_6" API (or similar) is an obvious choice. When using APIs in Python, you can use defaults and only specify the parameters that you want to change, but I don't know how to do that with the Fortran call statement. Can someone please advise me how to use this API in a Fortran call statement, while specifying only the parameters that need to change. Or is there an alternative way to change the tap position from within the user-model?

An answer to the above question will be greatly appreciated.


click to hide/show revision 3
No.3 Revision

model writing

I am writing a user-model for an online tap-changer of a two-winding transformer. My question is: How do you change the tap position from within the user-model? It seems that using the "TWOWINDINGCHNG_6" "TWO-WINDING-CHNG_6" API (or similar) is an obvious choice. When using APIs in Python, you can use defaults and only specify the parameters that you want to change, but I don't know how to do that with the Fortran call statement. Can someone please advise me how to use this API in a Fortran call statement, while specifying only the parameters that need to change. Or is there an alternative way to change the tap position from within the user-model?

An answer to the above question will be greatly appreciated.
