generators and their properties
How to obtain from the sav file the list of generators and their properties by Python? Same please for the switched shunts!
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How to obtain from the sav file the list of generators and their properties by Python? Same please for the switched shunts!
To get data for all generators and switch shunts in a basecase:
import psse33
import caspy
savfile = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE33\EXAMPLE\sample.sav"
caspydata = caspy.Savecase(savfile)
gendata = caspydata.pssgen
print '\ngendata\n'
print gendata
swshdata = caspydata.psswsh
print '\nswshdata\n'
print swshdata
Nice, this is a very good option to psspy for retrieval of data for all components in a saved case.
Asked: Mar 30 '3
Seen: 3,159 times
Last updated: Mar 31 '23