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GGOV1 model can I switch from droop to isoc mode in the simulation

asked Mar 21 '3

Steven gravatar image

Can I switch from droop to isoc mode during simulation to do frequency control. I change the reselect value from 1 to 0 but it is not controlling the frequency


It seems it is not possible to switch control mode during a simulation.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Mar 24 '3)

Change VAR L - Load Reference to 1.0 at the same time when you make ICON RSELECT = 0 to enable ISOCH mode. This should regulate the speed to 1.0 pu.

MODELGUY gravatar imageMODELGUY (May 5 '3)

@MODELGUY. Wrong, it doesn’t work when changing VAR(L). See my answer April 17. Also, the reference shall be 0, not 1!

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (May 5 '3)

@perolofi. Gref is governor reference, which is generic term applicable for all governor models. In case of GGOV1 model, the Gref should be same as Var L which is Pref signal shown in the block diagram. When droop is zero, Speed = Pref and logically to drive speed to 1.0pu, Pref should be 1.0pu.

MODELGUY gravatar imageMODELGUY (May 15 '3)

@MODELGUY. In mode 2 the model uses Gref and not VAR(L). You have completely missed that at nominal speed the pu speed deviation is 0. Thereby, Pref shall be 0, not 1. 1 pu speed deviation means 1 pu overspeed, i.e. 100 or 120 Hz.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (May 15 '3)

3 answers

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answered Apr 18 '3

Steven gravatar image

Workaround works many thanks



Can you please select the answer that worked for others to know how to fix this?

GaryB gravatar imageGaryB (Apr 20 '3)

He is referring to my answer.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (May 5 '3)

answered Apr 17 '3

perolofl gravatar image

After some testing I found that it works if Gref is set to 0 when control mode is set to isochronous mode:

psspy.change_plmod_icon(ibus,id,r"""GGOV1""",1,0)   # isochronous mode
psspy.change_gref((ibus,id,0.0)  # Greg to 0

answered Apr 14 '3

GaryB gravatar image

I can't say I know much about GGOV1, but you can change the Rselect or any other ICON with BATCHANGEPLMODICON.


will change RSELECT to '0' inside a PSAS file.



Yes, you can change the ICON, but the model does not handle the change correctly... :-)

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Apr 14 '3)

Does it work if it's initialized in ISOC mode?

GaryB gravatar imageGaryB (Apr 14 '3)

Yes, but it is not behaving correctly when changing mode during the simulation.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Apr 14 '3)

It should work; the speed circuit should always be active and working regardless of rselect. The only other thing I would try is to set R=0 (or something small) in the psas file if possible. This should logically do the same thing. Please post if you figure it out.

GaryB gravatar imageGaryB (Apr 14 '3)

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Asked: Mar 21 '3

Seen: 2,866 times

Last updated: Apr 18 '23