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Asking Fortran for Machine Trip

asked Mar 14 '3

ramadhan gravatar image

CALL DISTMACHINETRIPAPI(IBUS, ID, IERR) dear everyone, after I put this in Mode 3, for certain condition (If function), simulation system will not converged. is there any other api for fortran to call this function? thank you very much


Maybe the convergence problem is a consequence of the generator trip, i.e. the trip is correctly done but there is a network problem. Do you get a trip message in progress window?

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Mar 14 '3)

Dear Dr Perolofl, trip message is appeared, but the main problem, simulation is stop after trip is applied. example the trip at 2.1 s so the graph only shows until 2.1 s too. However the total simulation that we want more than this value.

ramadhan gravatar imageramadhan (Mar 14 '3)

Is PSSE crashing or is the simulation stopped but PSSE is alive? In your question it is said that system does not converge?

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Mar 14 '3)

Dear Dr Perolofl, it is work normal using GENTRP(IBUS, ID) howeever, this function does not include in API, is there any other way to search documentation for another "hidden" API such as GENTRP?

ramadhan gravatar imageramadhan (Mar 15 '3)

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answered Mar 15 '3

perolofl gravatar image

Why can't you use GENTRP instead of DISTMACHINETRIPAPI?



yes Dr Perolofl, for now I use GENTRP. Actually, when I see API documentation, API for Machine trip only this code (DISTMACHINETRIPAPI). Thank you very much Dr Perolofl

ramadhan gravatar imageramadhan (Mar 15 '3)

GENTRP is described in PAG V2, Chapter 25.2.3

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Mar 15 '3)

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Asked: Mar 14 '3

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Last updated: Mar 15 '23