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PSSEXCEL.accc isn't applying percent of flow rating

asked 2023-03-01 17:32:32 -0600

LSilv gravatar image

updated 2023-03-02 10:53:56 -0600

I'm trying to use the PSSEXCEL.accc command through python and it doesn't seem to be applying the flow limit for the report. Since it isn't applying the limits and instead trying to post flow on everything, the report is exceeding the number of rows in MS Excel. I have been experimenting with the "flowchange" and "percent of flow rating" parameters to reduce reporting. Column G in the "branch flow" sheet confirms what parameters were supplied, but still flows with less than the "percent of flow rating" are reported.

The case has some transmission facilities with a 0 MVA rating. Is this what is messing things up? If it isn't the reason, why else would all flows be reported?

I'm using PSS/e version 34.7

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answered 2023-03-02 08:46:25 -0600

jconto gravatar image

The following test code (with flowlimit = 100) show only those branch violations with overloads above 100:

# - Use of pssexcel to export ACCC results
import psse33
import pssexcel

accfile = 'savnw.acc'
xlsfile = 'savnw.xlsx'
string  = ['s','e','b','i','v','l','g','p']
colabel = []                #'base case', 'trip1nuclear', 'trip2nuclear']
sheet = ''
overwritesheet = True
show = True
baseflowvio = False
basevoltvio = False
flowlimit   = 100.0
flowchange  = 0.0
voltchange  = 0.0
cosep = True

              baseflowvio=baseflowvio, basevoltvio=basevoltvio, 
              voltchange=voltchange, cosep=cosep)
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I had some other things I had to change beyond what you have, but I have now gotten it working. Thanks

LSilv gravatar imageLSilv ( 2023-03-02 12:10:37 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2023-03-01 17:32:32 -0600

Seen: 302 times

Last updated: Mar 02 '23