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Bus vectors PSSE/E + Python

asked 2013-05-28 09:25:46 -0600

Javier gravatar image


I'm running a Python code in which I call PSSE/E to solve a power flow. I would like to obtain all the bus variables of the grid: Voltages, angles, active power and reactive power. One way is using a "for" loop and extract each variable of each bus one-by-one (example, with psspy.busdat(i ,'PU') ). Please, does anyone know if there is another method to obtain the variables of all the buses in a vector form? i.e, I would like to obtain the whole vector at once and do not use loops.

Thank you Javier

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Thank you very much. The funciton psspy.abusreal() worked fine!

Javier gravatar imageJavier ( 2013-05-30 02:21:36 -0600 )edit

1 answer

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answered 2013-05-28 21:04:41 -0600

yfwing gravatar image

YOu can try to use function in Chapter 8 (Subsystem Data Retrieval) of API. As for your example, you can use

ierr, rarray = psspy.abusreal(-1, 1, 'PU');

The above script will output the bus voltages for all the in-service buses in the system to the vector (array) rarray.

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Asked: 2013-05-28 09:25:46 -0600

Seen: 1,607 times

Last updated: May 29 '13