SLD development
I am working on Single line diagram(SLD) development using python.And i need to know know the locations of buses. ANYONE can tell me the Command to extract "bus laocation" from the .sav file. REGARDS..!!
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I am working on Single line diagram(SLD) development using python.And i need to know know the locations of buses. ANYONE can tell me the Command to extract "bus laocation" from the .sav file. REGARDS..!!
You need to invesigate the sliderPy module which is bundled with PSS/E.
import psspy
import sliderPy
doc = sliderPy.GetActiveDocument()
diag = doc.GetDiagram()
for c in diag.GetComponents():
pos = c.GetPosition()
compType = c.GetComponentType()
if compType == sliderPy.ComponentType.Symbol:
sym = c.SldSymbol()
symType = sym.GetSymbolType()
print '\nID:{0}: map:\'{4}\' type{1} X:{2} Y{3}'.format(c.GetID(), symType, pos.GetX(), pos.GetY(), c.GetMapString())
Asked: May 25 '13
Seen: 2,243 times
Last updated: Dec 04 '13
Do you need to know the x and y location inside the sld file?
Yes Exactly..Can you suggest me the method for this?