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PSSE crashes when initialising dynamics with a user model

asked Oct 3 '2

Farose gravatar image

updated Oct 4 '2

perolofl gravatar image

I load .raw file .. and then i load .dll file and then .dyr file ....everything loaded fine....but when i do dynamic simulation initialise the file....PSSE automatically closed.....How to run my .dll file in these case???

4 answers

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answered Oct 9 '2

updated Jul 16 '3

try to adjust the solution settings some time the time step and acceleration factor are not suitable with your .dll try this psspy.dynamicssolutionparam2([200,i,i,i,i,i,i,i],[ 0.2,f, 0.000833, 0.004,f,f,f,_f])


answered Oct 4 '2

Farose gravatar image

updated Oct 6 '2

anybuddy have inverter .dll file??? or other dll file?? for PSS/E version 34



Can't you use the inverter models available in PSSE?

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Oct 6 '2)

is any inverter model available in psse??

Farose gravatar imageFarose (Oct 6 '2)

There are several, e.g. PVGU1.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Oct 6 '2)

i want to check my software able to run .dll file or not, thats why i need .dll file

Farose gravatar imageFarose (Oct 6 '2)

answered Oct 4 '2

perolofl gravatar image

There is a fatal error in the user model (mayby a divistion with zero), leading to the PSSE crash.

It seems like you have no library models, just 5 calls of user models. Do you have the source code?

Are you modeling a system with solar plants without synchronous generation? Is it possible to use that model in a pure solar system?

Try a simple system with one synchronus generator and one (small) solar plant.



u have any inverter dll file

Farose gravatar imageFarose (Oct 5 '2)

answered Oct 3 '2

jconto gravatar image

When the dynamic run does not initialize, it cannot continue. The problem has to be resolved. It could be a dll created for a different version of PSSe?

Start by opening a log file at the beginning of the run to capture all the verbose as PSSe activities are being called. Check for keywords like "not found" or "not loaded" and post any error messages.


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Asked: Oct 3 '2

Seen: 936 times

Last updated: Jul 16 '23