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Version change from 2.3 to 2.7

asked May 23 '13

tapraj gravatar image

We recently acquired PSS/e version 33 and want to run transient stability studies using python. Previously we were using version 32 and running python 2.3 or 2.5. Is there anybody that can help me understand what I need to do in order to run python 2.7 on PSS/e version 33?

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answered May 23 '13

JervisW gravatar image

You shouldn't have to change anything. Python 2.7 is backwards compatible. and I think PSSE Version 33 should also be backwards compatible with Version 32.

One thing we have is a suite of what's called "unit tests" that we can automatically run to tell if a change in program will introduce errors. Python has this capability built in.



Well thanks but I wouldn't ask this question if it was true

tapraj gravatar imagetapraj (May 24 '13)

I don't understand, did you run into some problems?

JervisW gravatar imageJervisW (May 26 '13)

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Asked: May 23 '13

Seen: 304 times

Last updated: May 23 '13