EXPORTIMAGEFILE_2 not work on PSSE 35.4

asked 2022-08-09 09:17:39 -0600

michaelchen gravatar image

updated 2022-08-09 09:18:52 -0600

I try to use EXPORTIMAGEFILE_2 on psse 35.4 to export the slider diagram but it does not work. To debug it, I recorded what I do to export an image in psse and rerun the py/idv files. But it still not working. Here is my code.

psspy.opendiagfile(r"""C:\PSSE Data\2021\xxxxx\test.sld""")
psspy.exportimagefile_2(3,r"""C:\xxxxxx\graphtest\test0.png""",100,3226,1140, 1.28, 2.3,-2.1)

The image that I get is a white and empty pixel which is useless

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