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Slider diagram image not update when export

asked Jun 15 '2

michaelchen gravatar image

updated Jun 15 '2

I used the following code to export the image of the slider diagram with my GUI open. But the image never update whatever I did to modify the case and slider diagram(trip lines, etc..). It seems It doesn't make any difference whether I open the case or not, the output slider diagram image always keeps the same. I tried psse 35 and 34 both do not work. Could someone give me any idea why it happens? Thanks a lot!"""case1""")
psspy.exportimagefile(3,r"""figure1.png""", 100)
psspy.closediagfile()"""case2""") # case2 has extra line outage
psspy.exportimagefile(3,r"""figure2.png""", 100)

3 answers

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answered Feb 5 '3

Vlad gravatar image

I have the same problem, I will not make another thread but if someone knows how to solve this please help


answered Jun 16 '2

jconto gravatar image

Save your slider case changes (at case2) to a new file, slider2.sld and then use it for the second call. If you keep using "slider.sld" for both cases, the *.png would be the same.



Thank you for your solution. I tried but it still does not change. It seems it the case information does not matter for the slider diagram.

michaelchen gravatar imagemichaelchen (Jun 16 '2)

You can use the same slider diagram for different cases. The slider diagram doesn't contain any status information! There seems to be a bug in some PSSE-versions. It works correctly for me in rev 35.3.3 and 35.4.0.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Jun 17 '2)

where you get version upper 35.3.3? I went PSSE website the newest it can be downloaded is 35.3.2

michaelchen gravatar imagemichaelchen (Jun 17 '2)

answered Jun 16 '2

perolofl gravatar image

The code works fine for me in rev 35.3.3. Is saved case "case2" succesfully read into PSSE?



Yes, it does. I will try newest psse, thank you!

michaelchen gravatar imagemichaelchen (Jun 16 '2)

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Asked: Jun 15 '2

Seen: 373 times

Last updated: Feb 05 '23