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Voltage Mismatch with Model Blow Up

asked Apr 4 '2

Willy gravatar image

updated Apr 5 '2

Hi all, I'm looking to capture the voltage controlling equipment that are associated with a bus whose voltage is outside of tolerance through the API.

There is the maxmsm() function that returns the worst of the bunch. However, I have a situation where turning those generators off (along with a series of other actions, which includes tolerance adjustments) to help with convergence does not work. But, there is a separate bus that has a smaller voltage mismatch does solve the problem. There is the regb() that can get the full list of mismatches, but it only performs a screen printout without storing as an output variable.

I have searched the API documentation, but haven't found a function that returns a full list of the controlled buses with a mismatch. Does anyone have a function reference for me, or some other workaround?


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answered Apr 7 '2

Willy gravatar image

A quick note: I'm currently just iterating through the generators catching their busnumber from the amachint() and associated ids from inimac() and nxtmac() to compare the voltage with a machine's regulation control bus from macint(). This is not the most computational efficient method, so any improvment suggestions would be much appreciated!


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Asked: Apr 4 '2

Seen: 436 times

Last updated: Apr 07 '22