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Export AREA LOSSES from the output bar to Excel

asked Feb 17 '2

hleen gravatar image


I am new to using PSSE, and I was wondering if there is a way to export the area losses which are displayed in the output bar when we run the Area/Owner/Zone Total reports for a particular area.

Right now I run the report for each area individually and enter the loss manually in excel. It would be great if there was script that automatically runs each area and picks the loss associated with it and exports that number to excel.


2 answers

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answered Feb 21 '2

perolofl gravatar image

There are several different modules available that can write to an excel file. I often use openpyxl to write results from PSSE to Excel.



Hi, Thanks for the suggestion. I currently use openpyxl for excel scripts. I guess I wasn't clear in my question, I need help with the command/syntax to get output bar results exported from PSSE to Excel. I f you have any suggestions regarding that please let me know.

hleen gravatar imagehleen (Feb 22 '2)

Write the report to a file, using report_output, as Anil proposed and then read the file and write relevant infomation to Excel with openpyxl.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Feb 23 '2)

answered Feb 19 '2

Anil Kumar gravatar image

you can export report screen to text file using the command as follows

psspy.report_output(2, "check_all", 2) #### rending report to external txt file

psspy.report_output(1, "check_all", 2)  ### sending report to internal report screen of psse


upvote if it is correct

Anil Kumar gravatar imageAnil Kumar (Feb 19 '2)

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Asked: Feb 17 '2

Seen: 330 times

Last updated: Feb 21 '22