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manipulating subsystems

asked Apr 23 '13

anonymous user


Hi, I have two issues with subsystem commands in psse 1) I am trying to create a subsystem using a combination of area numbers and bus numbers as shown below ierr = psspy.bsys(sid = 1, usekv = 0, basekv = [0.0,0.0],numarea = 0, areas = [], numbus = 5, buses = [90010,90015,90016,90020,90021], numowner = 0, owners = [], numzone = 1, zones=[77])

2) I am trying create two subsystems and then append one susbystem to another. I am using "bsysadd" to do this.

ierr = psspy.bsys(sid = 1, usekv = 0, basekv = [0.0,0.0],numarea = 0, areas = [], numbus = 0, buses = [],numowner = 0, owners = [], numzone = 1, zones=[77]) ierr = psspy.bsysadd(sid = 1, usekv = 0, basekv = [0.0,0.0], numarea = 0, areas = [], numbus = 5, buses = [90010,90015,90016,90020,900215], numowner = 0, owners = [], numzone = 0, zones=[])

But nothing seems to work. Infact PSS/E does not throw any error about them.Any work arounds. Thanks in advance!!

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answered Apr 23 '13

df2468 gravatar image

updated Apr 23 '13

I think the issue here might just be that you are including argument names in the statement. For instance, 'SID = 1'. I am not sure if this is necessary or if it works. I have never tried that syntax. Try just putting the value directly into the argument space like the following:

ierr = psspy.bsys(1, 0, [], 0, [], 0, [], 0, [], 5, [zone#1,zone#2,zone#3,zone#4,zone#5])

Let us know how that works for you.


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Asked: Apr 23 '13

Seen: 1,164 times

Last updated: Apr 23 '13