pssexcel.accc not working in GUI or via python in PSSE V34.7.0

asked 2021-08-19 00:22:40 -0500

Peter B gravatar image

updated 2021-08-19 01:04:31 -0500


In PSS/E V34.7.0 I am having the following problems:

  • I cannot export ACCC results to Excel via the GUI.
  • I select Power flow -> Reports -> Export ACCC PV/PQ results to Excel...
  • and then nothing happens other than the message below in the progress window, there is no pop-up window to select the .acc file to extract data from etc.

Executing Python file:C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE34\PSSPY27\excelexportw_frompsse.pyw

  • I therefore tried to see if I could extract the data from the .acc file using python code. My simple code is below

    accfilename = 'file_name.acc'
    xlsfilename = 'fileneme.xlsx'
    """Export results to excel"""
    import pssexcel
    # 's' or 'summary' ACCC Analysis Summary
    # 'e' or 'events' Contingency Events Description
    # 'b' or 'branch' Monitored Branch Flow (MVA)
    # 'i' or 'interface' Monitored Interface Flow (MW)
    # 'v' or 'voltage' Monitored Bus Voltage
    # 'l' or 'load' Loads Shed (MW)
    # 'g' or 'generator' Generator Dispatch (MW)
    # 'p' or 'phase shifter' Phase Shifter Angle
    options = ['s','e','b','v']  
    pssexcel.accc(accfile=accfilename, string=options, xlsfile=xlsfilename, ratecon = 'c', baseflowvio = True, basevoltvio = True, overloadreport = True)
  • Sometimes this works and creates an excel file like I used to be able to do via the GUI.

  • Sometimes, it starts to work, an excel file opens and starts to populate with data, but then crashes and gives the message below in the progress window in PSS/E (this is when it is trying to overwrite an existing excel file):

    File "", line 25, in <module> pssexcel.accc(accfile=accfilename, string=options, xlsfile=xlsfilename, ratecon = 'c', baseflowvio = True, basevoltvio = True, overloadreport = True)

    File ".\", line 1724, in accc    
    File ".\", line 786, in _accc_co_events    
    File ".\", line 889, in set_active_sheet
    File "<COMObject <unknown>>", line 2, in Activate
    pywintypes.com_error: (-2146777998, 'OLE error 0x800ac472', None, None)
    • I get different errors if it creates a totally new excel file:

File "", line 25, in <module>pssexcel.accc(accfile=accfilename, string=options, xlsfile=xlsfilename, ratecon = 'c', baseflowvio = True, basevoltvio = True, overloadreport = True)

File ".\", line 1449, in accc
File ".\", line 765, in _accc_summary
File ".\", line 446, in autofit_columns
File "<COMObject <unknown>>", line 2, in AutoFit
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\", line 287, in _ApplyTypes_result = self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(*(dispid, LCID, wFlags, retType, argTypes) + args)
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147023170, 'The remote procedure call failed.', None, None)
  • I haven't been able to figure out the pattern of why the code sometimes work and sometimes doesn't.
  • Does anyone have any suggestions for what might be causing this problem and how to solve it? Or is there some other way to extract results from an .acc file?
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