PSSE 34 run automation file in python 3 not python 2 [closed]

asked Aug 5 '1

michaelchen gravatar image

updated Aug 5 '1

Hi everyone, I am new here. I try to run python script from PSSE but it runs in python 2, not Python 3. I have Python 3.7 on my computer and have psspy37 in my PSSE path. Could someone tell me how to switch to Python 3.7?

find a good solution from jconto, thanks. Hopefully, it will also help other

To run PSSe from its GUI, edit the PSSe v.34 link icon by right-clicking and edit its "Target" field:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE34\PSSBIN\psse34.exe" -pyver 37

Closed for the following reason duplicate question by michaelchen
close date 2021-08-05 11:09:06.396977