How can I create the Y-Bus Matrix in PSSE?
Could anyone please explain how can I create the Y-Bus for the network I'm running load flow for it. With many thanks
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Could anyone please explain how can I create the Y-Bus for the network I'm running load flow for it. With many thanks
Search this forum for "How to get updated Y matrix?" for how to export the Y-matrix of a loaded case to file. To create it, review theory found on power system books or the net.
I do not know about the ability of PSSE to create a y-bus matrix, however, I believe it is possible to construct the y-bus matrix from the .raw file. The structure of it is similar to IEEE CDF.
Asked: 2021-06-07 09:10:40 -0600
Seen: 931 times
Last updated: Jun 08 '21