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Critical clearing time script

asked 2013-04-05 09:46:51 -0600

Johannes.Thorleiksson gravatar image

Has anyone written a python module to calculate critical clearing time of faults in a two area system or has some suggestions.

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I can't help with dynamics sorry, but if you can explain how you'd do this manually I can offer some suggestions.

JervisW gravatar imageJervisW ( 2013-04-05 17:49:44 -0600 )edit

Yes, could you explain the various steps for calculating the fault clearing time. I would love to have a go at the problem.

amaity gravatar imageamaity ( 2013-04-05 21:05:04 -0600 )edit

Critical clearing time is the maximum allowed fault time so the synchronous generator does regain synchronism. When the critical clearing time is exceeded the machine becomes unstable. My initial thoughts were to simulate a parametric sweeps of fault times until the generator exceeds 180° degrees.

Johannes.Thorleiksson gravatar imageJohannes.Thorleiksson ( 2013-04-08 02:04:47 -0600 )edit

This is how I'd approach it too Johannes. Is there a difference in approach you take manually with the 'Two area system' method spoke about? I've seen utility systems that the critical clearing time is specified by the connection rules. Could you check that clearing time first?

JervisW gravatar imageJervisW ( 2013-04-22 03:11:20 -0600 )edit

Hey guys I basicly sovled the problem. What I did was just to make a script that made different outfiles with differnet clearing time. Then I iterated through the files until I found that the angle difference in the rotor angle was greater than 180 degrees and returned the critical clearing time.

Johannes.Thorleiksson gravatar imageJohannes.Thorleiksson ( 2013-04-25 08:40:14 -0600 )edit

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answered 2013-05-23 07:31:16 -0600

tapraj gravatar image

Why a 180 degrees? Does the machine angle settle down or does it separate from the rest of the machine angles in the network? If it doesn't seperate itself from the other angles it is not unstable and you need to carry on with you simulations.

I dont understand your approach and maybe it works but I do it differently.

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How would you determine if the machine angle had not separated. Is it a visual inspection?

JervisW gravatar imageJervisW ( 2013-05-23 07:35:51 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2013-04-05 09:46:51 -0600

Seen: 19,312 times

Last updated: May 23 '13