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How to alter the voltage set points of conventional generators to ensure they are not at their reactive power limit?

asked Feb 22 '1

Ulster_4 gravatar image

I've solved a case in PSSE however, a number of my conventional generators are at their Qmax.

I am aware that changing the Voltage Set Point can reduce my Qmax, however, after I alter this on one unit it knocks it off on a different unit.

How do you decide on the correct Voltage Set Point of a generator? Is there a method for doing this?

Additionally, sometimes when I change the Voltage Set Point and re-solve the case the system blows up.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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answered Feb 26 '1

Cao Huy gravatar image

updated Feb 26 '1

Firstly, changing Voltage set point doesn't change generator's Qmax, but Qgen. Secondly, there are many ways to control reactive power. You could try some of them:

  1. Optimal power flow
  2. Implementing of compensators (fixed shunt, SVC...)
  3. Changing parametters manually. In your case, I suggest to raise Vset of not only one generator, but all generators in the surrounding area.

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Asked: Feb 22 '1

Seen: 812 times

Last updated: Feb 26 '21